Author Swannee Rivers

Swannee Rivers is an author, mother, wife. teacher, community showcase developer, motivational speaker. Her works include: Healthcare Under Duress-An  Inside Look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal (2003,) Hidden Treasures: Small Businesses Doing Great Things in the Pacific Northwest (2007,) Cancer  Journal for the Survivor in You (2003 edition I,) Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You II (2009.) Parents Don’t Know  Everything-A Teen Freedom of Expression Journal (2003.) ) Healthcare Under Duress is recognized internationally for its  symbolic stance against fraud in the healthcare industry, and continues to be used to train management at local insurance institutions and community colleges in the Pacific Northwest. Swannee Rivers has been a contributing feature writer in The Renton Reporter, Seattle Times, Northwest  Baby & Child, Campfire Girls National Campaign, as well as the Chicken Soup  for the Soul Series where she also was actively involved in the selection of  incoming story contributions for years. Her work has  been featured on several online publications including Soap Opera Central, and Consumer In 2008 she was a  contributor for question development with New Play Media in their creation of  an online Soap Opera Trivia Game. The documentary The Last Swing (2017 showcased,) the participation of this author and she can be seen in a 2019 episode of the Oxygen channel’s television series Criminal Confessions.

Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure (2020.) Zack the Yaks Mountaintop Adventure (2022.) There’s a Purple Jelly Monster In My Tummy! (2022.)

Swannee Rivers is a graduate of the University of Washington and lives in Renton, WA.

Author Swannee Rivers

How to Purchase

You can purchase directly from Swannee or through retailers: Amazon, Barnes and Noble,, Powell’s BooksIUniverse.

The cancer journals can only be purchased directly from this website.

There's a Purple Jelly Monster in My Tummy!

There’s a Purple Jelly Monster in My Tummy!

Nothing is more exciting than the weekend, and no one loves it more than six- year- old Paris. There are so many fun things to do. However, when the jelly monster gets released in to her tummy and threatens to ruin the day, can Mommy come up with a way to turn things around before it’s too late?

Zack the Yak's Mountaintop Adventure Book Cover by Swannee Rivers

Zack the Yak’s Mountaintop Adventure

Zack, the Yak is a loner and when looking at him there is not much that appears impressive. In fact, he has become alienated from the herd because of his annoying rhymes that are repeated much too often. But, when tragedy strikes on the mountaintop the herd learn that Zack may be the one element that can turn things around and save the day.

Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure Book cover by Swannee Rivers

Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure

For years Ruby has been referred to by the family nickname she dreads, “Fuzzy Ears.” Mommy and Daddy love the name. Ruby doesn’t understand the reason she is called this name and believes it should be given to some sort of animal. However, when a day of shopping turns in to a lost adventure, she soon learns the name she dislikes so much may be the one thing that can reunite her with her mother.

Healthcare Under Duress book cover

Healthcare Under Duress:An Inside look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal (2004)

In an emotional story that details one woman’s struggle within a medical organization that was filled with massive illegal billing, her faith shines through.Healthcare Under Duress:An Inside look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal presents one woman’s personal account and experience within a prestigious University Hospital (UWP).This case is unique, representing the issuance of the largest fine ever given to a medical teaching institution within the United States for billing fraud.For years, Swannee Rivers maintained hope of one day seeing justice served. In 2000 the FBI arrived, giving her that opportunity.

Hidden Treasures: Small Businesses Doing Great Things in the Pacific Northwest by Swannee Rivers

Hidden Treasures: Small Businesses Doing Great Things in the Pacific Northwest

For too long small businesses within various communities have been overlooked and lacked the recognition and respect they deserve. When hundreds of individuals were polled most felt that small businesses could be as competitive in the business arena as larger national chains when given the opportunity. Today, small business owners in the Pacific Northwest are being given the opportunity. Swannee Rivers, developer of Women’s Showcases in the Renton Community has created a business directory showcasing these hidden treasures recognized by the public as being special. Residents can now learn of new businesses within their communities, discover others in Northwest regions, receive valuable business tips. Business owners can also network with each other and support each other by discovering who else is in business. It is an opportunity for uniting that is long overdue. The emergence of small businesses will create synergy helping each to reach their full potential.

Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You II

Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You II

Purpose: Become a compact traveling companion able to easily fit into a purse, backpack or notebook and establishes a writing safe haven and stress reliever for individuals battling cancer, affected by cancer entering their family, or for those that care about those battling this disease.

Means of Accomplishment: Provides a series of simple guidance questions (issues commonly faced by cancer patients) which are divided into sub- categories, while aiding in the elimination of jumbled thoughts. Users are removed from the worries of finding the perfect way to phrase a thought. Just answer the questions on how you feel at the moment, and keep it protected- for when and if you choose to share with others.

Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You

Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You

In August 2002 I began a mission to find a journal for my mother in law Frances. Not just any journal was sufficient. It had to be a journal with her in mind. One that allowed her to convey her thoughts, understood her, guided her through many paths, and was made specifically for cancer patients. I wanted a journal that comprehended this illness, as well as the obstacles individuals encounter during the battle to overcome it. I found one that was similar to my vision, but none that embraced it. I couldn’t find a journal I truly connected with. I couldn’t find one that represented my spirit. Therefore, I decided to create my own.


Parent's Don't Know Everything: A Teen Journal Book Cover

Parents Don’t Know Everything:
A Teen Freedom of Expression Journal

Teens are what they’re called. Too old for one group, but not quite ready for the other. No longer a baby, but they still need their mother. Constantly battling cliques, gossip, hormones, and the world. Where are the days when they were just a protected pearl? Life moves on, they blossom, and must deal with the things tossed their way. Our fear inside wants to ensure them that all will be okay. We talk, we preach, and pray each day in attempts to be their guide. But, sometimes it seems our chosen words are just merely tossed to the side. Teens need an avenue, to release their many emotions. Which can often be as choppy as the wide, open, ocean.